Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Kristen's Tu Magazine Interview + Scans

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*Note this interview has been translated and was conducted as a roundtable with international journalists. Quotes may appear in multiple international publications.*

Rupert Sanders (director) and the script convinced you to accept the project?

Definitely, Rupert and the script were transcendental. Charlize was also a solid pillar in accepting this project. Her name is well known above my own. So when I heard she was playing Queen, I decided that I wanted to be in this movie. One can read something fanstastic, but it can fall apart if it doesnt have other elements to support it. For me, knowing that Charlize was a part of it, meant I could be confident in this project.

Rupert was the one who brought darkness into the film?

Yes, and its because these characters live in an incredibly dangerous world. The enviroment and the landscape are a character in their own. The use of the images( of the landspace) is always evocative. He(Rupert) has the capacityto see things in a very unqui way.

How was it working with Chris Hemsworth?

Chris is a very charming guy. He is big and he was in the same working pattern to mine, because we didnt have much rehearsal time. We jumped right into the action of the movie and right when we stared working I said “Oh this is going to be easy!” He is a good actor. Chris is honest and you can really talk to him. The major part of the material (script) had potential, but once in a while I would play with him a little, changing things, improvising.

How was it doing all the stunts and which was the hardest for you?

I had to jump from a rock that was pretty high. I heard it was around 12 meters in height, but it seem much more than that. I also had to jump into freezing water and it was horrible. I didn’t think I had a problem with height, but it was terrifying. That was without a doubt the hardest stunt.

Did you go straight from Twilight movie to Snow White and the Huntsman?

I had a little bit of time off between both movies. I had to choose between future projects that were very challenging, because I like to strive in my work. Snow White and the Huntsman is very different to Twilight and I really enjoyed making it. I love going from one project to another.

How did you feel working with Charlize Theron?

I grew up admiring Charlize. She has a talent that is on a whole other level. It is like she has her own category and she’s phenomenal. She got picked for the movie before we (Kris and Chris) did and when I saw that she was and later read the script, I was ecstatic for the film and was confident in the project. It’s so exciting working with someone who you respect and who acts for the same reason you do. That was fantastic. The truth is that I was intimidated, but knew that we would have a great work relationship.

Were you really intimidated?

Yes ! I was really nervous and intimidated. Charlize was one of the most important reason of doing this project. I think she is great in everything she does and I respect her alot like a woman. I loved the script and everything related to the project but Charlize was the fundalmentally the reason I said yes. When I met her I was like “Oh, wow! You’re crazy!” She is very fast paced, fun ,and attracts a lot of attention. She walked into a room and you had no option but to look at her. Charlize exceeded all of my expectations.

In Snow White and the Huntsman, the Queen believes that her beauty is part of her power. Do you believe that beauty gives you power?

Some people do use their beauty as power and inside they become horrible human beings. In the queen we see how she views beauty as a weapon that never fail. I think that is one of the beautiful characteristics in Snow White, she is able to see beauty even in the evil character of the Queen.

Snow White goes from being an innocent girl to a strong woman. Do you think of yourself as a strong woman?

It is interesting that the movie is not a story of how Snow White grows up into a strong woman. For her , it is finding out the weapons she poses to become a strong woman and how to utilize them. Her main weapons are the light and intuition.

Twilight was a phenomenom and thanks to it you now have many fans but also a lot of haters. What do you think about generating these two different extremes?

It is very strange to me and I become very nervous when I have to talk about my movies, and I hate it when people think that its because I don’t care. If they hate me because of that, I would love to prove them wrong. And if they hate me for other reasons, I don’t care because I am happy doing what I do.

What advice would you give to the girls that have a hard time fitting in?

It’s hard for me to sit here and think that I’m talking directly to these girls and telling them how they should act so it’s more easy for them to fit in and they have it easy. I could tell them “Don’t worry about it” and it’s that it isn’t easy for girls to fit in at such a young age, and I understand that very well, but at the same time it’s what makes you, you. The best you could do is not worry about those things.

Who is your best friend and why?

I grew up with someone that is one of my bestest friends because she is crazy and fun. That is why Dakota(Fanning) is one of my closest friends. I respect her and I love her very much. She is crazy and adorable.

What is your favorite fairy tale?

To be honest, the truth is that I didn’t grow up with fairy tales, I liked the Disney movies more. My favorite is The Jungle Book.

Scans, Translation, Via, Via

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