Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Rob and Kristen: Good Times

baseball cap smiley
So thought I would stop by and catch up with all that is going on. First off who all is excited for Cannes next month? I AM! I mean Rob and Kristen, Cosmopolis and On The Road. Can it get any better than that. Not sure. I am excited for all that is going with these two. The next few months are going to be crazy.

First the pair will be heading to Vancouver to do some pick up scenes for Breaking Dawn Part 2, which ought to be interesting. The big news of this is that Rob is going to have to wear a wig, since he is not sporting his Edward do right at this moment. I just feel bad that they have to do this. I mean I remember the way that Kristen had to wear a wig for Eclipse and that was just a hot mess all the way around. But I get the feeling that these are going to be scenes that when the are shown we won't really be able to tell the difference (Fingers crossed).              
So what is next is that Kristen is going to be in Madrid to promote Snow White and The Huntsman. I think that she will probably head on over to Cannes after since t he date for this is May 17th and Cannes starts the day before.
So yesterday we were seeing tweets from Patricia Morales, who is a fashion hait stylist to the stars. So from all that she has tweeted we may be expecting an up coming new photo shoot with our favorite guy. Can't wait.
bliss smiley

These two are going to  getting pretty busy with both of them having three movies out this year to promote. SWATH, OTR,Cosmopolis, BelAmi, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. That's a lot on their plate. Rob will be promoting Cosmopolis in Portugal at the end of May with a premiere.
So that is re-capping everything that I know so far. It has been relatively quite as of late, but I am sure that is going to change. But in this world of a blogger you have to take the good along with the bad. So until next time.
 dead place smiley

Hugs and Kisses. xoxox

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