Jumat, 27 April 2012

Rumors Running Rapid

So many rumors have been running wild lately. The first is just today and I wanted to put my thoughts to it. That one that has Rob in DC, which is okay. The rumor is that he is attending the White House Correspondance Dinner. Now its not been confirmed by anyone. I looked at the list of guests and so far I did not see his name there, but that does not mean that he won''t attend.

I was mentioning on twitter that I thought maybe he would be headed to Vancouver for the Breaking Dawn pick up shots that were set for the end of this month. But I could be wrong (hope not). I guess what it comes down to is we just have to wait and see what happens. I would love to see Rob at the dinner, but we just don't know if he will be there or not.
dont no smiley
The second rumor that drives me crazy is that last week a pic of Kristen at Coachella was taken and is was noticed that the buttons on her shorts were undone. So you know what that mean. SHE'S PREGNANT! Yes this is the rumor that ran the whole nine yards. Why do people jump to that conclusion. I hate to burst your bubble but I on occasion do the same thing and I am not pregnant.  I just don't understand hope people think or where they get their ideas.
 coffee screen smiley
I guess we will never know. I don't think people mean any harm, but its just funny what people say after they get one look at a picture. So when it gets right down to it we just have to sit back and let life unfold as it will and not worry about what we think is going on.

Til next time. Hugs and kisses xoxoxo

bye smiley

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