Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

My Weekly Thoughts

Well its been a while since I have posted any of my weekly thoughts. I mean who can blame me when there is really nothing to talk or rant about. So my fellow Twilighters what shall we discuss today.
chat smiley

It has been a quiet week after all the hoopla over SOPA/PIPA business. I mean why does our government feel the need to stick their nose into our business on the internet. I mean I know that they are trying to end copyright infringement, but it will end up affecting so many sights including blogs such as this. So we need to keep fighting this need to censor the internet.

fight 1 smiley

Now on to other things. There has been some fair amount of news of various Twilight stars here and there, but not the ones that we want to see the most. Rob and Kristen are still staying under the radar. There has been some tweets of Rob sightings in London (grain of salt) these could be true. If they are then Rob has been honing his Ninja skills very well to get out of LA with out detection.


Also there has been videos of some of the Breaking Dawn DVD extras that have made their way to the internet. I myself have seen them and just loved them. I chose not to post them on the blog as I am pretty sure they are leaked and I would rather wait til the movie is released on DVD to post such videos. Even though I don't post them doesn't mean I am not dumb enough not to watch them (lol).

The extras are really good and have a bit of bloopers in them, which I love. I mean why can't we have more of that on the DVD's I was watching the gag real for Taylor's movie Abduction and laughed myself silly. Just getting a taste of that with Rob and Kristen was wonderful. I also went all sappy watching Rob hold that little baby. (Just for reference Rob is going to make a great dad someday).

On some other news there has been a little talk of Rob and or Kristen going to the Oscars since they both have movies that are coming out very soon. Whether or not this is true who can say. I would love to see them, but I am sure they would rather sit home. I guess this is something that we will see what comes of it.

Last on my list is the appearance of Rob along with his co-stars at the Berlin Film Festival to promote Bel Ami. This seems more legit than the news that he was suppose to promote the film in Belgium. So this could be a chance to see some fine Rob sweetness (Yummy). I for one want to see this movie. I have read the book its based on and was not a fan of the novel. I am hoping the movie does a better job.
drool smiley

So overall not much to really talk about right now, but trust me when something good comes across my path I will try and give my two cents worth on the matter. Until next time. Hugs and Kisses.

dont go smiley

Forever in Twilight,

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