Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

The Twilight Musical Review from Crushable .Com


Earlier this week, we got to attend the staged reading of Twilight: The Musical, a fan-run parody of Stephenie Meyer‘s worldwide phenomenon. The project, which has been several years in the making, doesn’t just poke fun at the Edward/Bella/Jacob love triangle, but it also brings in Harry Potter characters for a commentary on popular YA books and what makes a compelling heroine.

Let me start by saying that this is a sharp, funny show populated with talented singers and dancers. Writer Ashley Griffin and her collaborators obviously know the series backwards and forwards, as the dialogue and songs especially are peppered with sly puns and references to obscure moments from the books. Yet it strikes the right balance by not alienating newbies… although let’s face it, nearly everyone at the reading must have been a genuine fan.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Via twilightish

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