Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Babies, DVD's, and all sorts of things

As you can see I am back again. As if I could stay away for to long. So even though news has been a little dead, there is a few things here and there that I just feel that I have to make a mention of. Alright where do we start, I guess at the very beginning (lol)
dead place smiley

First off I want to mention more about Jackson Rathbone and his girlfriend, who we have found out this past week that they are to become parents. At first I was very skeptical of this story. Most things you hear out there is just rumors and no one knows what to believe half the time. So when this appeared to be truth I just thought it was great. Jackson I think will truly be a great father (lucky kid).
congratulations smiley
It just seems like yesterday that the whole cast where filming Twilight and now the cast is growing up before our eyes *dabs eyes* Now Nikki is married and Jackson is having a kid. How time flies.
cry smiley
Now another topic that just drives me crazy to no end. I want to start by saying I nothing against Catherine Hardwicke. I love the job that she did with Twilight and Twilight is still a great movie. The thing that has been trolling airwaves is one of her latest interview in that she mentions Rob and Kristen and feel sad that Kristen broke up with her current boyfriend to be with Rob. WHAT! So she not have anything else to talk about. I mean it seems like every interview she does she has to mention Rob and Kristen on some level or another.
One minute she says they are the best couple and the next she says that Kristen and Michael Angarano were the perfect couple. Please make up your mind Rob or Michael. I just don't what goes through her head and frankly I don't want to know. Now enough of that topic.

Let's talk some Rob (Yummy). There has been some new Bel Ami clips that have been seen here and there. You could only see them in Germany as they were blocked here, but someone found a way. I have to say that they are fantastic and just makes me drool a little each time.
So who all thought the clips were awesome? I know I did and I for one can't wait to see it in theaters with Rob in all his glory. As I said before YUMMY! Also we may get to see more of Rob when he attends the Berlin Film Festival to promote Bel Ami.

So the DVD was finally released last night. I assume everyone has their copy already, if not you will soon. I for one chose not to do the midnight release party. I went to one and that was enough. They get so crazy at times. I wanted to see the clip for BD Part 2, but I knew KNEW that it would be posted. Sure enough it was just before midnight a fan posted the clips shown at Target. I do have to say it was a tad hard to understand, but over all I loved it and want MORE!!!.

Last, but not least is the fan pics of Rob and Kristen. So nice to see them out and about. They are just the cutest pair ever.

So until next time everyone enjoy their Breaking Dawn DVD and have a fantastic weekend. Hugs and kisses to all.

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