Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Rob in Berlin and Cannes food for thought

So this past week has been awesome with all of the gorgeous Rob pictures and video to come out of the Berlin Film Festival. I just love any chance to get to see Rob. I have been having discussions with friends back and forth about his hair of all things. I mean for the love of all that is good why do people care that he still has very short hair.
cuckoo smiley

I mean its his hair to do what he wants with it. I am the first to say that I really love his thick gorgeous locks, but in the end he still looks fabulous no matter what. I say don't worry it will grow back. The one I worry about is Christina Ricci. I mean no offense I think she is a great actress, but to me she just looks way older than she probably is.

On to other news. There has been much ado as to whether or not Rob's other film Cosmopolis will be making its debut at Cannes in May. There are so many different reports on whether or not this will happen. I kind of think that it might not since the release date for the film is May 18th which is during the film fest. But I am not involved with the industry so I have no idea what will happen.
Most everyone wants it to be shown at Cannes as it is likely that Kristen's film"On the Road" will also be shown. I mean could you imagine both Rob and Kristen at Cannes together. That is just HEAVEN!

So really its been a very slow week for news. I have been enjoying my Breaking Dawn part 1 DVD, as I hope everyone is also. I have watched this over and over. Still a little ticked that there was no deleted scenes. I just don't understand why there were none. I am sure they have their reasons for no including them (hope they are good ones).
So even though this post is short I just had to get my thoughts in, so until next time.

coke smiley

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