Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Breaking Dawn This Saturday

All right it is officially 4 days until the release of Breaking Dawn on DVD. Who all is excited? MEEEEEEE! I am more excited I think for this than any other that came before. Don't get me wrong I love each and everyone of the films, but this by far is my favorite.

fiesta smiley

Breaking Dawn since the day I read the first page I have been hooked. So its no surprise I feel the same way about the movie. I am not sure if I will be going to a midnight party. I know there is Target who will be showing a clip from Breaking Dawn Part 2. I do want to see this, but you know it will probably make its way to the internet in some fashion the next day if not that night. (lol)

I only have one problem with the DVD and that is the the commentary is done by Bill Condon. Don't get me wrong I love Bill, but I was hoping for and Rob and Kristen commentary . I guess they were to busy to do one this time. They bring such a fun perspective to the whole that I love so much. So I guess this time around we have to do without. *Sad tears*

I always wonder what scenes everyone is looking forward to seeing. For me I love everything, but I have to say the wedding and honeymoon are the ones for me. Also when you watch the DVD does anyone have special rituals for such an event. I for one always watch the extras first, don't know why just like to see those first. I am kind of weird that way.

One thing I was hoping to see is deleted scenes. From some of the extra footage already shown we get to some bloopers, which I love. But deleted scenes are the best. As far as I know there are none on this DVD. Will have to wait to see all of it to know for sure. So all in all I am pretty excited to get my hands on a copy of Breaking Dawn Part 1 this Saturday. So until next time everyone enjoy their copy when it is in your hot little hands, I know I will.

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