Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Rob and Kristen Dining Invasion (no pics)

Now I know I posted a bit about Rob and Kristen in Paris yesterday. I mentioned how they paps follow them and pester them to death. Now today brings more pics from inside the restaurant where they were dining. I really draw the line at that. That is just an invasion of privacy that should not happen.

Not sure who took the pictures, whether it was paps or someone on the restaurant. It should not happen. I know there is not much we can do about it, but its just not cool. It just goes beyond the realm of what is descent. We all know that they are a couple, but people don't have to invade their private time.
angry smiley
I know this is a rant and I am sorry if it bothers some people. Don't get me wrong I love Rob and Kristen, but this stuff bothers the crap out of me to no end. I know celebrities have to put up with some cameras in their face it comes with the job, but to invade your dinner is just uncalled for.
So I am glad that I got that off my chest *sigh* I hope I didn't offend anyone. I know some like to see any pic they can of the pair. I just think photographers go to far.
Til next time my friends PEACE!

bye smiley

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