Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Rob Cheating? Rumor has it

all ears smiley
Here I am again my friends to give my two cents about something that is driving me crazy. I am a big twitter addict and love to talk with others and just hang out and see what others are talking about. So I was on late last night and came across a topic that just really got my temper going.
It seems that there is a rumor running rapid that Rob is cheating on Kristen.
Now if I remember right it was stated that the rumor came from some gossip magazine. Now you know I hate rumors and I despise gossip rags even more. All these magazines that deal in this type of entertainment is nothing but a sad attempt at journalism.

What really gets to me the most is that a lot of people out there actually believe what they read. I mean seriously people! These are the type of rags that gave us all the breakup and Kristen pregnancy rumors. I just don't understand how they can fall prey to all the lies that these idiots spout.

There is one thing that gets me through and that is all the amazing people that I follow on twitter are the best defenders of Rob that you will ever find. I am so proud that Rob has so many great fans out there that don't believe all the bull@#*&^ that is being spouted. Fans of Rob support him no matter what.

There is one quote that Rob gave during an Interview that says it all. I was posted online by loyal fan @wonkyrob last night. Here it is:

"there is one thing I've never understood, why people cheat. I grew up believing that you can be together all your life" - Robert Pattinson

So really what it comes down to f or me is that you need to stay away from the rumors and just have faith in Rob. I really don't think he is a cheater, but one the off chance that he is (and that is a big if) what business is it of ours. He is a man and is only human and as humans we make mistakes.
I guess when it gets right down to it is we just have to ignore all the crap and just be supportive fans no matter what all the cows out there say. And when I say cows I mean all the haters that find ways to discredit either Rob or Kristen. In this fandom you have to deal with a lot of cows.

So just stay strong and keep believing in Rob and Kristen. Til next time Hugs and Kisses xoxox

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