Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

My thought on Breaking Dawn Parody

I am sure by now everyone has seen the Hillywood Show Breaking Dawn Parody. If not you are living under a rock. I have to say that the girls have out done themselves with this latest parody. I have been waiting it seems like forever to see this since the first mention that they would be making it.

I have to say that it was FANTASTIC! I truly enjoyed the songs choices. The song selection for the birth is a blast of the past. Takes me back to when I was younger. I kind of new that they would be paying homage to Lady Gaga in some way and the choice of song for that was great. No better choice than "Marry the Night".

I know me and lots of others were not sure how it was going to go since our favorite Edward, Jacob Jost would be in this parody because of prior commitments. So who was going to portray the brooding vampire Edward. The role went to @AustinMClay, who did a terrific job. And not bad to look at either.

Even though the video and everyone who participated in it was great. The award for best performer should go to Kyle Dayton, who stole the show. His portrayal of Jacob was so hilarious and kept me in stitches each time. He basically stole the show. I just can't imagine the video getting any better than it was. So great job Hannah and Hilly.

If you have not yet seen the parody go and check it out, plus all their other parodies are worth taking a look at. You also need to check out the new Breaking Dawn Parody shirt on sale at he website. Tshirts

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